Call for Abstract

2nd Global Summit On Heart Congress, will be organized around the theme “Renaissance of heart for the Conception of Upcoming Medication”

Euro Heart Congress 2021 is comprised of 15 tracks and 2 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Heart Congress 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Heart disease describes a range of conditions that affect your heart. Heart diseases include:

  • Blood vessel disease, such as coronary artery disease
  • Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias)
  • Heart defects you're born with (congenital heart defects)
  • Heart valve disease
  • Disease of the heart muscle
  • Heart infection
  • Track 1-1Arrhythmias
  • Track 1-2Atherosclerosis
  • Track 1-3Congenital heart defects
  • Track 1-4Coronary artery disease
  • Track 1-5prehypertension
  • Track 1-6cardiomyopathy
  • Track 1-7Coronary artery bypass grafting

Echocardiography is a test that uses sound waves to produce live images of your heart. The image is called an echocardiogram. This test allows your doctor to monitor how your heart and its valves are functioning. The images can help them get information about: blood clots in the heart chambers.

  • Track 2-1Cardiomyopathy
  • Track 2-2Heart infections

myocardial infarction (MI), commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow decreases or stops to a part of the heart, causing damage to the heart muscle. The most common symptom is chest pain or discomfort which may travel into the shoulder, arm, back, neck or jaw.

  • Track 3-1 heart attack
  • Track 3-2Electrocardiograms
  • Track 3-3Acute myocardial infarction

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the blood vessels walls, and the magnitude of this force only depends on the cardiac output and the resistance of the blood vessels. The high blood pressure generally does not cause any symptoms however the long term high blood pressure, however, is a major risk factor for stroke, coronary artery disease. Hypertension can strain the heart, damage blood vessels, kidney problems, and increase the risk of stroke, heart attack, and death.

Malignant hypertension

Essential hypertension

Secondary hypertension
Isolated systolic hypertension
  • Track 4-1Blood pressure
  • Track 4-2Irregular heartbeat

Heart failure, occasionally known as congestive heart failure, occurs when your heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well as it should. Certain conditions, such as tapered arteries in your heart (coronary artery disease) or high blood pressure, progressively leave your heart too weak and pump proficiently. Not all conditions that lead to heart failure can be reversed, but treatments can progress the signs and symptoms of heart failure and help you live longer. Lifestyle deviations such as exercising, reducing salt in your diet, managing stress and losing weight can improve your quality of life. One way to inhibit heart failure is to regulator conditions that cause heart failure, such as coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or obesity.

Congestive Heart Failure
Diastolic Heart Failure
Systolic Heart Failure
Acute Heart Failure
  • Track 5-1Coronary artery disease
  • Track 5-2Symptoms
  • Track 5-3systolic
  • Track 5-4Diastolic

A computed monograph scan is commonly called a CT scan or CAT scan is a test that uses X-rays to view specific areas of your body. These scans use safe volumes of radiation to generate detailed imageries of the body, which can help the doctor to detect any problems. The test may be called a coronary calcium scan if it’s meant to determine whether there is a build-up of calcium in your heart.

  • Track 6-1Coronary CT Angiography
  • Track 6-2Coronary computed tomography angiography
  • Track 6-3Heart scan

Heart failure, occasionally known as congestive heart failure, occurs when your heart muscle doesn't pump blood as well as it should. Certain conditions, such as tapered arteries in your heart (coronary artery disease) or high blood pressure, progressively leave your heart too weak and pump proficiently. Not all conditions that lead to heart failure can be reversed, but treatments can progress the signs and symptoms of heart failure and help you live longer. Lifestyle deviations such as exercising, reducing salt in your diet, managing stress and losing weight can improve your quality of life. One way to inhibit heart failure is to regulator conditions that cause heart failure, such as coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or obesity.

Congestive Heart Failure
Diastolic Heart Failure
Systolic Heart Failure
Acute Heart Failure
  • Track 7-1Symptoms
  • Track 7-2Causes
  • Track 7-3Diagnosis
  • Track 7-4Treatment

Generally the Heart diseases are distinguished into three basic categories. They are Electrical, Circulatory and Structural disorders. Electrical Disorders are triggered due to the deformities in the electrical system that regulates heartbeat. Circulatory Disorders are usually the disorders accompanying with Blood vessels and mostly they are protective. Causes of these Cardiac Diseases are age, Genetics, High Blood pressure, High LDL level, Obesity, Smoking, and Stress etc.

Congenital Heart Disease
Coronary Artery Disease
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Myocardial Infarction
Ischemic Stroke
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Aortic Stenosis
Mitral valve Prolapse
  • Track 8-1Heart attack
  • Track 8-2Aorta disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a universal term for conditions affecting the heart or blood vessels. It's usually allied with a build-up of fatty deposits inside the arteries (atherosclerosis) and an augmented hazard of blood clots. It can also be accompanying with destruction to arteries in organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys and eyes. CVD is one of the foremost causes of death and disability in the UK, but it can often largely be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle.

  • Track 9-1cardiomyopathy
  • Track 9-2Congenital heart disease

Modern surgery has well-known to such enormousness that the body of acquaintance and technical skills obligatory have led to surgeons stipulating in particular areas, usually a functional area of the body or intermittently in a particular technique or type of patient.

  • Track 10-1Coronary artery bypass grafting
  • Track 10-2 cardiac surgeons
  • Track 10-3coronary artery

Cardiovascular diseases are conditions that affect the structures or function of your heart, such as:

  • Track 11-1Cardiovascular Pathology Research
  • Track 11-2Cardiovascular Anesthesiology
  • Track 11-3Pediatric cardiologists
  • Track 11-4Preventive cardiologists

The cardiovascular system contains the heart, blood, and blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries).  This compound system is convoluted in a varied number of functions, including:

Transporting blood, proteins, nutrients, O2, CO2, and other molecules

Tissue regeneration and reorganization

Developmental processes


Immune response

Wound healing

  • Track 12-1vascular injury
  • Track 12-2vasoreactivity

Cardiovascular Engineering: An International Journal is a publishing forum that promotes innovative methods and technological advancements in the basic sympathetic of the cardiovascular system and in cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment applications. Innovative Assists outline new perceptions and solicitations in cardiovascular mechanics, cardiology applications and diagnostic techniques, cardiac and vascular imaging, devices and instrumentation, hemodynamic monitoring and measurements, cardiac assistance, vascular grafts and artificial hearts, cardiac electrophysiology techniques, computer modelling and drug delivery systems.

  • Track 13-1bioInnovate
  • Track 13-2Neuroengineering
  • Track 13-3Biomaterials and Therapeutics
  • Track 13-4cerebral infarction,

Peripheral artery disease is also prospective to be a sign of a more widespread accrual of fatty deposits in arteries (atherosclerosis). This condition may be reducing blood flow to your heart and brain, as well as your legs.

Peripheral artery disease signs and symptoms include:

Leg numbness or weakness

Coldness in your lower leg or foot, especially when compared with the other side

Sores on your toes, feet or legs that won't heal

A change in the colour of your legs

Hair loss or slower hair growth on your feet and legs

Slower growth of your toenails

Shiny skin on your legs

No pulse or a weak pulse in your legs or feet

Erectile dysfunction in men

  • Track 14-1Critical Limb-Threatening Ischemia
  • Track 14-2 Occlusive Arterial Disease
  • Track 14-3Peripheral Vascular Disease

The word cerebrovascular is made up of two parts – "cerebro" which denotes to the large part of the brain, and "vascular" which includes arteries and veins. Organized, the word cerebrovascular denotes to blood flow in the brain. The term cerebrovascular disease consist of all disorders in which an area of the brain is momentarily or perpetually exaggerated by ischemia or bleeding and one or more of the cerebral blood vessels are convoluted in the pathological process. Cerebrovascular disease contains stroke, carotid stenosis, vertebral stenosis and intracranial stenosis, aneurysms, and vascular malformations.

Cerebrovascular Diagnostic Tests

Cerebral angiography

Carotid duplex (also called carotid ultrasound)

Doppler ultrasound

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

Lumbar puncture (spinal tap)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic Resonance Angiogram (MRA)

  • Track 15-1Stroke
  • Track 15-2vascular neurology